Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things you shud do in 2011before it's too late

Dont Take it seriously:

1. Climb mount Kinabalu- Cost approx RM1,000 all in from KK (mampu milik)
2. See orang utan in the wild- From RM2,000 all in at the luxury Danum Valley (way so expensive)
3. Discover the see gypsies of Borneo 
4. Spend a night in the jungle - Nyamuk nyamuk nyamuk
5. Swing thru the treetops of Langkawi - Diusahakan
6. Ride a bike in Genting Highland - Naik kereta pun dah pening 
7. Sample the highlife in the Cameron Highland - Strawberry, strawberry and strawberry and pening *Again
8. Learn to DIVE - Snorkeling done, now its a good time for diving
9. Go white water rafting - Takut lemas
10. Visit Taman Negara - Bila sebut Taman Negara automaticly recall someone that fimiiar with Tmn Negara
11. Take an acrobatic flight - afraid with heights
12. Learn to rock climb - Need a strong muscle
13. Get closer to an elephant - Kuala Gandah maybe?
14. See the world from a microlight - Chiang Mai had a great view 
15. Visit Angkor Wat - Kene ajak Kak Ya dan Cik z
16. Go to the Himalayas - Cold
17. Visit Beijing - Halal food?
18. Kayak Phang Nga Bay at sunset - Kayak kat PD pon blom lulus lagi
19. Follow philosophers Path around Kyoto - Tokyo! Tokyo!
20. Track up a volcano - Dengar je dah gerun
21. Ski and make a snow man - Snow? impossible
22. Visit the killing fields and S21 prison - No comment
23. Visit the remote hill of Northern Laos - Sekali lagi Kak ya n Cik Z needed

Ps: Tak pelu complete it within a year, Gila

Thursday, December 23, 2010

When everything is in an order

When everything is an order..

U'll feel better
Never feel depress
Smile along the way

Can start re-planned everything back

Bukit Tinggi, 18 Dec 10

Recalculating 2011 for more big event, i guess

Monday, December 20, 2010

Is it?

Spent it for:

1. Pair of nike running shoe
2. Pair of converse slim low cut
3. 2 pcs of G2000 shirts
4. 2 pcs banana republic short pants
5. A piece of Philosophy Man shirt - Yellow
6. A piece of Seed shirt - Yellow again *sigh*
7. Pedro beg *last piece they have*
8. Autograph, after shave and shower gel

Last but not least a lovely dinner at Little Penang, klcc. worth it
Spent it wisely yaw!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blow ur candles

*From cik mok*

*From puan sul*

Thanx to all my facebook friends for all wishes they made
Thanx for wonderful dinner @chawan
Thanx for a slice of white chocolate macadamia, pack of sushi and a bottle of green tea
Thanx for a great view of Klcc

Its my 28th birthday

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Raise Your Glass for..


Pakcik gemok: Yes nak makan apa?

Me: Can i have Ying Yong cantonese

Pakcik gemok: What?

Me: Ying Yong cantonese

Pakcik Gemok: Yeah i know, tapi u nak mee or kuey teaw or bihun?

Me: Mee

Pakcik Gemok: And?

Me: Its mee

Pakcik Gemok : Yalah u want mee with what? ying yong cantonese is a mixed of two noodle

Me: mee and kuey teaw

Pls provide some details on ur menu, and u really need some menace. Super urgent

Monday, December 13, 2010

Terdesak dan mendesak

Satu kisah yang sangat sadis berlaku di pagi hari:

Dapat panggilan hari jumaat, ada yang meminta pertolongan pada hari Isnin akan datang
Aku terlupa. Dan aku yakin aku tak dapat menolong
Dan hari isnin pun tiba
Tiba di pejabat terdengar suara suara sumbang
Suara tidak berpuas hati
Salah aku?
Fikirkan balik dengan teliti

Jangan nampak terlalu terdesak, its bad for your reputation.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Admit it.
Yes im guilty.
But have u ever think what have u done to my life?
Never. Not even a single thought

Do i really keep thinking everything?

Considered a sweet memory?
Absolutely not, not a single piece

Have you ever smile when u start thinking bout me?
Yes, yes u are, being cynical is good

Do i really concern for every each thing in ur life?
Not sure, no idea bout that, but yes i'm being cynical *again*

But what happen when a cheater meet a liar?
I mean a big liar

Do they really belong meant together?
Surely it wont work for me

Kinda weird and itchy

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Si Penagih nikotin

Merokok? for sure its a bad habit, never be good. Nikotin, tar and much more. But  thats the fact. Bukan tak mau nak elak, tapi tak boleh dan tak nak. Macam macam benda dicipta nak hilang ketagihan nikotin, tapi smua terpulang pada minda. Ada segala macam patch yang bg aku mmg tak akan berkesan melainkan patch tu boleh ditampal dalam kepala otak. Ada rokok yang guna bateri dan tak berbau dan macam macam lagi. Bagi aku tu semua adalah untuk memanipulasi minda. Kalau boleh kontrol minda sendiri, u really don't need all that kinda of thing.

Harga rokok naik melambung pun, siapa peduli, smua bising masa awal naik. Tapi lama kelamaan, semua jadi rela nak beli tanpa sebarang keterpaksaan. Yeah i know its really a bad reputation once kamu adalah perokok, tak ada satu pun perkara yang baik bg perokok perokok. Berbau, asap sangat mengganggu, buang putung bersepahan and many things. But thats the fact, even kalau tak merokok pun, kamu boleh menjadi seorang yang anoying such as, cakap fon kuat kuat in public, buang sampah merata, meludah merata. Betul?

I used to quit fews month back, but minda tak berapa nak kuat. Then mula merokok balik. Yer benar such a waste u'll spent 10 bucks in a single day hanya utk sekotak rokok, even jumlah lunch and breakfast pun could be lesser then that, do some math ya.

So apa pun, if u a smokers, drug addict, alcoholic or even sex slave, u still such a damn human being. For those yang tak tersenarai dalam list tu, please do respect each other.
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